Memories of Late Pan Tuner Lincoln Noel

Released on = September 30, 2006, 6:44 pm

Press Release Author = When Steel Talks

Industry = Entertainment

Press Release Summary = Port-of-Spain, Trinidad - Anthony McQuilkin shared his
remembrances, and described Noel as \"a man who you could find in a corner, shunning
the spotlight, just taking care of things, because he believed there was always a
lot of work to be done.\" And it is this aspect - taking care of things - that
immediately came to the forefront as McQuilkin began chronicling the character and
deeds of one of Desperadoes\' greatest, and world-renowned, pan tuners.

Press Release Body = Port-of-Spain, Trinidad - On the eve of the celebration of,
and farewell tribute to - the life of pan tuner great Lincoln Noel, one of the men
who knew him for many years spoke with When Steel Talks (WST) about Noel - the man
who was great in deeds, but as a rule shunned the limelight. It was an apt epitaph
- and explains why it seems difficult, to near impossible, to source a photograph of
Noel. Assistant manager for Desperadoes Steel Orchestra, Anthony McQuilkin shared
his remembrances, and described Noel as \"a man who you could find in a corner,
shunning the spotlight, just taking care of things, because he believed there was
always a lot of work to be done.\" And it is this aspect - taking care of things -
that immediately came to the forefront as McQuilkin began chronicling the character
and deeds of one of Desperadoes\' greatest, and world-renowned, pan tuners.

\"Lincoln Noel was one of the best pan tuners that we had in Trinidad and Tobago.
What people don\'t know is Lincoln spoke many different languages. When we
[Desperadoes] went to Martinique or Guadeloupe, for instance, he would communicate
with the people in patois or broken French. And when we went to Cuba he spoke
Spanish, and acted as our interpreter. Desperadoes took him on many of their trips
abroad as tuner and interpreter. He also spoke his mind. Lincoln called a spade a

\"Lincoln was one of the few pan tuners who could look at a pan, and tell you exactly
who made it\" McQuilkin continued. In years gone by \"Lincoln toured extensively with
Southern Symphony from San Fernando, and came back and was part of the Bonaparte
Brothers, who played \'conventional\' instruments.\" McQuilkin mentioned that
according to Noel\'s family, Clifford Alfred - a tuner who Noel took under his wing -
said that Lincoln also arranged for a band by the name of Gay Caballeros.\" \"He
could read music. At that time, in 1967, the band [Gay Caballeros] was going to a
music festival, and he [Noel] arranged the test piece \'The Mary Wives of Windsor\'
for them. He also played a tenor, because they were short of players. I
understand, so the story goes - that while they were on stage, the bass player froze
and couldn\'t play the part, and Lincoln played it [bass lines] on a tenor, even
though it was a bass [line]!!\"

McQuilkin added that Desperadoes would be performing at the wake for Lincoln Noel at
Harmonites Barataria pan yard that same evening [Friday September 29]. In addition,
Pan Trinbago\'s Northern Region and it\'s chairman, Keith Diaz had been intimately
involved in planning and preparing the program for the funeral services for the late
pan tuner, scheduled for 10:00 AM Saturday, September 30, at the Anglican Church,
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, W.I.

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